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The Truth and Writing Book

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The book “Truth and Writing” revolves around descriptive writing in stories and novels and explores four axes: “Strategies,” “Tools,” “Themes,” and “Narrative.” It is part of the “Writing about Writing” series by the Kuwaiti writer Buthaina Al-Issa. Published by Dar Al Arabiyyah lil Ulum Nashirun and Takween Publications (2018).

In the introduction to her book, Al-Issa emphasizes that truth is the compass of writing. It’s the destination we aim for, line after line. Because truth is the essence and purpose of artistic work, descriptive writing holds this central importance in the narrative work.

It’s not just a tool we use to activate our ability to weave different worlds, but also the observer of the meaning the author intends. It’s not a solid block but rather a mist or dust, something that dissipates throughout the work, line after line. Discussion of descriptive writing cannot be divorced from narrative truth. If truth is the goal, then description is the means.

It’s a means that takes on the judgment of the end. This book is an attempt to trace a single thread in narrative architecture: the descriptive thread.

We might consider it simple and secondary compared to other narrative components like plot and characters, which may seem more fundamental and enticing to the interested writer. However, the reality is that the descriptive thread is intertwined with all elements of the narrative. It permeates characters, events, and places, making it difficult to achieve anything in the narrative without it. Often, it’s the line between a novel and a tale, between good literature and poor writing.

Talking about descriptive writing, and surprise! It’s a conversation about novel writing itself. “Truth and Writing” is a vision of the whole through the partial, understanding the surroundings from a drop of water. So let’s begin.

author’s name:

Bـuthaina Al-Essa

Book genre:


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Weight 0.1 kg
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